Golden-Age Marshall
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Early Marshalls and Players...
The following pics are from the "Golden Age" of Rock'n'Roll, when countless favorites were "powered by Marshall".

Alex Lifeson of RUSH
I first saw Rush in 1974, "warming up" for KISS at the old Michigan Palace. I can still hear "Finding My Way", with it's opening chords frantically repeating, filling the hall. That pure Marshall + Gibson sound was typical of early Rush...unlimited energy!!!
(photo credit: The Camera Eye, Rush Gear & Gizmos, part 3
by Jim Geiger
Alex again...
...This time with his hollow-body Gibson. For some classic, unadulterated Marshall, give a listen to the likes of "Working Man" or "Anthem", from early in the RUSH catalogue...
(photo credit: The Camera Eye, Rush Gear & Gizmos, part 3 by J. Geiger
More to follow soon!